Here is a copy of my comment that I posted on RFK Jr. Twitter pages.
My daughter was killed with a vaccine she had to get to attend college. Get rid of all vaccine mandates. There are no mandates on food. People have a choice with food. There is no choice with vaccines, they are mandated for school attendance.
I want to form a coalition of parents of injured children and just parents, grandparents, and people who care, to start a daily letter writing campaign to our new HHS.
Sending letters, emails, twitter posts, Facebook posts, social media posts directly to RFK Jr. on a daily basis until he addresses the vaccine mandate issue. And even making phone calls to his office daily if need be. We must put the pressure on him to address this very serious issue or he will keep ignoring it.
Americans, we were sold out to Big Pharma by our government almost 40 years ago with the signing of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. They gave Big Pharma the license to harm and kill us with vaccines with absolutely no liability for the harm and the deaths that vaccines cause.
Many people were so happy when RFK Jr. became HHS, hoping and believing that he would take care of this crime against humanity that has been done to us by our own government. We clearly see he is not going to even address this most serious issue.
We have absolutely no interest in vaccine safety, because there is no such thing as a safe vaccine. All vaccines are dangerous and poisonous, and it is not possible to make poison safe. All vaccines contain toxins and poisonous ingredients including aluminum and mercury. I do not even use deodorant with aluminum in it. And these poisons are being injected into babies.
These unsafe and dangerous products are given to perfectly healthy babies, children, and adults. There is absolutely no evidence that a vaccine has ever had any benefit, it only causes harm. I am living proof of that. I am 63 years old. I only had one vaccine my entire life when I was a child in the mid-1960s, and I am healthier than many people half my age.
I am proof that vaccines do nothing but cause harm. If unvaccinated people are healthier than vaccinated people that is all the proof that you need. There are so many independent studies that prove unvaccinated people are FAR healthier than vaccinated people. Look at the Amish community for another example.

Food is not an issue per say because people have always had the free choice option to eat whatever they want. There already are ingredients listed on all food products. People have that choice already. So, Mr. HHS, you are doing nothing by meeting with food companies.
There are NO INGREDIENTS LISTED FOR VACCINES and these Unsafe products are mandatory for school attendance. They are deemed unsafe by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and also by the Supreme Court ruling in 2011. The government has officially declared these products Unsafe. Yet, they are mandated for infants and children for school attendance. That is insane and this insanity must STOP.
Let people have the same free will choice to get a vaccine if they want one. The same free will choice to smoke or eat junk food. Everyone knows that junk food and smoking are bad for their health. However, many people choose to smoke and eat junk food anyway. That is TRUE freedom.
You cannot make anyone be healthy. Being healthy is a free will choice. However, vaccines mandates take away free will choice for all parents who want to send their children to public or private schools. The only way a parent can keep their child safe from the dangers of vaccines is by homeschooling.
Stop taking away free choice for parents with vaccine mandates. You should be meeting with all 50 State Governors and telling them that they need to do away with all vaccine mandates for school attendance in their state. If you did that, Mr. HHS, then you would truly be doing something.
The most important thing you should be doing right now is getting rid of all vaccine mandates. They are illegal and unconstitutional. Also, stop the spraying of poisons in our skies. There is so much you could be doing to make a real difference. But you are not.
We will no longer be ignored by you, Mr. HHS. You are fully aware of all the dangers of vaccines, and everyone trusted that you would STOP THE MADNESS with vaccines mandates when you took office. We are not going away, and you will hear from us daily until you address this most pressing and serious issue.
The only thing you can do for us as far as food is ban GMO foods like many European countries have always done. But food is not the big issue because we already have free will choice, and GMO foods are already labeled.
It was not food that destroyed my daughter’s life and eventually killed her. It was a vaccine she was forced to get to attend college. It is up to us ‘We the People’ to put a stop to this madness if you, Mr. HHS will not.
For more information about how the government has declared All Vaccines to be Unsafe visit: Supreme Court Ruling Awareness Movement https://www.supremecourtrulingawareness.org/
RFK Jr. cannot just keep ignoring us. Imagine if he keeps getting thousands and tens of thousands of letters, emails, social media comments daily. We cannot allow him to ignore us. He is now in a position to do some good. We cannot allow him not to.
