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RFK Jr. Did Not Lie to Get the Job

Caroline Chang

Updated: Mar 11

The new HHS RFK Jr. did not lie once to get the job as HHS. He has always adamantly said that he is Pro Vaxx! He has always said that all he wants is ‘safer vaccines’.

Promoting safer vaccines is only enriching Big Pharma with government grants and trials on innocent babies and children. That is all campaigning for safer vaccines does.

Because there is no such thing as a safe vaccine. There is no such thing as safe poison. All vaccines have toxic and poisonous ingredients in them, including aluminum and mercury. I do not even use deodorant with aluminum in it. However, they are injecting these poisons into babies before they are even born and on day one of life.

This has always been RFK Jr. stance on vaccines. So many people said he was just telling congress what they wanted to hear, so he would get the job. Now, he has the job, and he is proving that everything that he said in those confirmation hearings is exactly what he believes. He was not lying to get the position of HHS.

Why are so many people who have declared RFK Jr. and Del Bigtree their heroes in denial of this Fact and Truth? Why are so many people who just expected RFK Jr. to save them stuck in cognitive dissonance? Both Bobby and Del have always been Pro-Vaxx and pro making Big Pharma richer with so-called safety trials.

Here are some of the things that RFK Jr. said during the hearings. “Operation Warpspeed saved millions of lives.”, “Vaccines save millions of lives”, he wants to see an uptake in vaccines. “Vaccines are an important part of healthcare”. He believes in the CDC vaccine schedule and “parents should follow the vaccine schedule”. I think you get the picture.

Nevertheless, because so many people regard RFK Jr. as their hero, they will just keep following him right over a cliff. I wonder when there will ever be a time that people like Ty and Charlene Bollinger or Dr. Lee Vliet, who seem to worship Bobby, will ever see the truth.

These people have been advocating true holistic and natural health for many years, and now they are making excuses for RFK Jr. Without regard to all the harm he is doing. And yes, he is doing a great deal of harm. They say, “give him time.” What to give him time to do more harm?

The obvious truth about RFK Jr. is perfectly clear for anyone who focuses on the absolute truth and not politics and not stuck in a “Savior Complex”. RFK. Jr. saying people have a choice when people have always had a choice means nothing. The only time adults did not have a choice was with Biden’s illegal federal mandates for workers in 2021.

However, for parents who want to protect their children, their only choice is to homeschool their child. Because every state mandates these dangerous products for school attendance. What RFK Jr. should be working on as HHS is ending ALL Mandates for school attendance.

The government, including RFK Jr. will never repeal the 1986 Act which gives Big Pharma a license to harm and kill us. The only way that will happen is if ‘We the People’ make the 1986 act obsolete by pulling our children out of a corrupt school system.

We do have a choice. Do not allow the government to keep harming our children by saying “NO to all vaccines”. Seek a medical exemption, because every man, woman, and child are entitled to a medical exemption to an unsafe product. This is the legal stance of the government on vaccines in two legal documents. The 1986 Act and the Supreme Court ruling in 2011.

Because the government legally deems all vaccines to be unsafe products we are entitled to a medical exemption. And if doctors will not write medical exemptions they are in violation of their medical code of ethics. It is the government that is illegally mandating unsafe products for school attendance. That is NOT freedom of choice Mr. HHS.

RFK Jr. tricked many people for years, making them believe that he was truly on the side of health freedom. If as HHS he does not do anything to try to repeal the 1986 Act, which is an illegal, criminal, unconstitutional law. He is not on the side of health freedom at all.

All it would take is to repeal the 1986 Act to solve this issue for good. Without the liability protection Big Pharma would stop making vaccines overnight. It’s just that simple. The 1986 Act gives the liability protection to harem and kill us as much as they want.

There is no person in the government that is going to Save Us! It’s the government that has created these illegal and criminal laws to make us sick and keep us sick. It is the government that is poisoning our water, our air, our soil, our food, and our bodies with vaccines.

It is up to us to save ourselves by saying No to all vaccines. By demanding medical exemptions to unsafe products. If enough of us do this, the government will have no choice but to repeal the 1986 Act, because We the People will make it obsolete. As people begin to wake up to this truth. We will come together united and take a stand and no longer allow this government to harm us and our children.

By the way, my personal history with vaccines. I am 63 years old, and I have only had one vaccine my entire life. That one vaccine was in the mid-1960s when I was a child. I also think that vaccine was given to me in school. I am healthier than many people half my age. I never had a measles shot and I never got the measles. I never had a flu shot and I have never gotten the flu. Go figure, my natural God-given immunity keeps me healthy. All vaccines do is harm you and destroys your naturel immune system.

What he did is called “Bait & Switch”. In these videos it shows concrete evidence of this. WOW, RFK Jr. did a real ‘Bait and Switch’ on us. 

Flu Shot Makes You MORE Susceptible to Coronavirus!

RFK Jr - What's Changed?



© 2023 Caroline Chang, Awake 2 Oneness Radio

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