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Caroline Chang

Op-Ed: Politics Will NEVER Change Anything

Updated: 20 hours ago

I wrote a great article in January of this year that explained exactly why having an election this year is insanity. Anyone with a brain cell on active duty, or two brain cells to rub together (quoting David Icke here). Can clearly see that the US Presidential election was stolen in 2020.

Therefore, what sense does it make to have another FAKE election that will change absolutely nothing in this country. No matter which puppet gets SELECTED, they will be taking their marching orders from the Globalist Elites that own this FAKE government.

Yes, I say FAKE government, because it is well known by now that the US Government was stolen in 1871. That is when the US Government became a corrupt corporation. No longer a government for the people by the people. That ended a long time ago. If you don’t know this already, you should.

I was in a Zoom meeting last night, trying to explain to the people on that call that politics will never change anything in this country no matter who gets “SELECTED”. Just like Biden was SELECTED in 2020. There is a great movie that came out in 2023, Jones Plantation. This movie is NOT about slavery in America.

This movie is about how everyone living in America has been enslaved for hundreds of years. It does not matter what your skin color is. This movie shows how our vote does not matter and NEVER has mattered. When a person votes, all they are doing is showing the corrupt criminal government that they still TRUST that they can make a difference by voting and that they still have trust in a completely corrupt system.

Jones Plantation Trailer - This is a quote from this movie, “You cannot truly own a man, unless he thinks your word is law, that he must obey. And is virtuous for doing so.” This is EXACTLY what the corrupt and criminal government is doing daily. They pass criminal laws that go directly against the Constitution. They created the Federal Reserve to keep you in perpetual debt. And they have you vote for your slave master/puppet, tricking you into thinking that you are FREE.

I have only voted 3 times in my entire life, and I wish I could take those votes back. I have admitted many times the only reason I registered to vote in 2008 was for my relatives that are no longer living. I registered to vote for a man of color, because my deceased relatives would have never believed there would be a man of color in the oval office.

Now, knowing what I know about puppet Obama, I wish I could take those votes back. Yes, I said ‘puppet’, because anyone in the oval office is a puppet for the Globalists. It doesn’t matter what party is in that office, they are just two wings of the same bird.

Since 2020, if you cannot see that clearly, then you are blind. I keep having to explain to people that I am a Sovereign being, born FREE. Especially when it comes to Health Freedom. No one and no corrupt government will ever tell me what to put on or in my own body. There is absolutely no authority over me, other than me and God within me.

I see now that people that have been programmed and brainwashed by the system their entire life cannot even understand or grasp this concept of personal Sovereignty. Like the blank stares I got in that Zoom meeting last night.

They came up with every excuse under the sun about why they cannot stand in their own authority. I am a woman of color, 62-year-old grandmother, single, and 5 feet 1 inch in height. If I can stand in my own Sovereignty, then anyone can. In 2020 and 2021, I never wore a mask, I never stayed home, and I would never go anywhere near those shots. I would never do anything I KNOW is unhealthy for me because someone on TV tells me to do so.

For all you Trump supporters, do you forget that Trump was president in 2020 and allowed all 50 governors to illegally take away all your first amendment rights. I don’t recall Trump saying a word against that. Trump is the face of Operation Warpspeed, and is very proud of that fact. To this day he still tells that outrageous lie that those shots saved millions of lives. When we all KNOW all those jabs did is kill millions, and is still killing millions. The evidence for this is overwhelming worldwide.

Yet you believe Trump is your Savior with the Psy-ops Q and Anon. Trump is nothing but a Globalist puppet, he is just playing a different role than Biden and Harris. In my opinion, Q and Anon give real Truthers, like myself, a bad reputation. That is the purpose of these Psy-ops, to confuse people. If people do their own homework and research and stop listening to others, they can easily find the truth. It is very easy to find.

There is really not much to say about Harris, because I have never heard her say one intelligent sentence. Also, she is one of the biggest hypocrites I have ever heard speak. She is all for abortion rights and a women’s right to choose. However, she was all for the Biden administration mandating an experimental jab onto the American work forces.

Mandating an experimental shot goes against all 10 Nuremberg Codes of Ethics. All I ever hear from Harris is her contradicting herself, flip floppy on issues, and changing what she says to fit the propaganda of the day.

Trump’s crazy slogan, ‘Make America Great Again’. I have been asking since 2016 when was America ever great? Americans allowed their presidential election to be stolen by a senile old man in 2020. There is a Supreme Court justice that doesn’t know what a woman is. In 1986 the US Congress gave Big Pharma a license to kill with vaccines.

America is the sickest country in the world. American children are given more vaccines than any other country, and childhood chronic illnesses have skyrocketed since the 1980s. GMO foods are allowed here, when many other countries have banned GMOs. Chemicals are allowed in Americans food that are not allowed in other countries. The government is deliberately poisoning the air, water, food, and soil. And this is the government you want to keep voting for? Really?

I have been saying for the past few years, I hope that there is no election this year. I know many people who always vote have told me that they are not voting this year. It would be wonderful if on November 5th not one person showed up at the polls to vote. It is time to STOP giving your power away to criminals.

Here is the article I wrote in January. Only you can break the chains of your own enslavement by owning your Sovereignty and living by your own authority. STOP giving your power away to criminals.

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