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My Miracle on 34th Street

Caroline Chang

Eleven years ago today, my life changed forever! I brought my son Kyle home from the hospital after doctors had told me two weeks earlier that Kyle would not live. I tried to take my own life when I received that devastating news.

However, I brought my son home on December 30, 2011, after Kyle pulled himself off life-support; and his vital signs were perfect! His doctor said it was like he was never even sick. I experienced a TRUE MIRACLE! I was not harmed by my attempt to take my life and Kyle and I came home together that day.

That day I made a promise to God I would never stop “Thanking Him”; no matter what happened in my life from that day forward. I have kept that promise to God and to myself for the past eleven years.

In the award-winning book, We Touched Heaven, you can read more about my experience in December 2011 in detail in the chapter I wrote entitled “My Miracle on 34th Street". The hospital that we were in was on 34th Street in Philadelphia, PA, and we were there for Christmas. That is why it is named after one of my favorite classic Christmas movies.

Because of that Miracle I experienced in December 2011, and the promise I made to God that amazing day, I was at peace when Kyle transitioned on July 1, 2014, and at peace when my daughter Neukeyia transitioned a few weeks ago on December 5, 2022. I KNOW they are not gone, and I KNOW every soul comes into this life experience in Perfect Divine Timing and leaves this life experience in Perfect Divine Timing for that soul. Even though our human consciousness cannot understand this.

I am very much looking forward to the New Year 2023, knowing both my children Neukeyia and Kyle will be right by my side in everything I do ALWAYS. I wish everyone the “Peace of God” that surpasses all human understanding. Happy New Year 2023!

Caroline Chang - Awakening is a Knowing



© 2023 Caroline Chang, Awake 2 Oneness Radio

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