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Caroline Chang

Conversation With Daniel Scranton

I apologize for the delay in posting this conversation with Daniel Scranton. I recorded this conversation with Daniel on November 13, 2024. So much has been going on since then, with Holidays, and ending the year. All good!

Daniel is a channel that I dis covered in 2018. He channels short messages almost daily, and I listen to his channelings first thing every morning to start my day.

What I have learned from his channeled messages are daily reminders for me of what I learned/remembered when I had my spiritual awakening in 2007.

In truth we are all just being reminded of who we truly are as Sovereign Divine Beings of Light, creating our own life experience. The daily reminders are helpful to keep us in the know and live our true purpose for being here at this time. In our conversation we both talk about how we both Spiritually Awakened.

Daniel Scranton’s Awakening

Daniel has been verbally channeling higher-dimensional beings and collectives since 2010. He has hosted hundreds of live and online group events and private sessions with people all over the globe. He also channels a daily message that is posted right on the homepage of this website since 2012.

How Daniel Scranton Woke Up & Started Channeling

Here is a video explaining how Daniel woke up and began to channel the beings he channels. Check out his Youtube Channel for thousands of videos posted there since the beginning of Daniel’s journey as a verbal channel.

Daniel channels: Thymus, St. Germain, The Creators, The Hathors, The Founders, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Ophelia the Faerie, Quan Yin, Yeshua, The Buddha, The Pleiadian High Council of 7, The Zetas & The 9D Arcturian Council are some of the entities who have contracted to work with Daniel in guiding us through the exciting and turbulent experiences we are having as a collective at this time of The Shift.

To learn more about Daniel visit his website:

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