Awake 2 Oneness Radio with author Joe McQuillen on Friday, November 29, 2019 at 7:00 PM EST. This program was pre-recorded. Click here to listen to the show on BlogTalk Radio. Or click here to watch the show on YouTube.
In My Search For Christopher On The Other Side, Joe takes you on an emotional roller coaster ride discovering messages from his son, Chris who transitioned in January 2018, according to Chris, at just the right time. Beautiful and touching story filled with grief and heartache, with just a touch of humor in all the right places. His story will illuminate your path to healing after a tragedy and allow you a glimpse of the other side.
On the morning of January 3, 2016, Joe’s life was turned inside out when he received a call that his son, Christopher, along with three of his friends, was missing. They had been at a friend’s lake house, celebrating the end of Christmas break from college. Sometime during the evening of revelry, the four young men jumped into a canoe, paddled out onto the icy lake, capsized, and drowned.
Christopher’s body was recovered first; the others over the next several dark days. Thus, began a father’s remarkable journey through grief, awakening, discovery and acceptance as Joe—through mediums, research and, eventually, direct communication—navigated his personal bridge to "the other side."
Joe’s first contacts with Chris occurred through a medium, via telephone. The messages were astounding and reassuring, but Joe wanted more; he needed to look into the face of the one talking and listening to his son. To be clear, Joe McQuillen is a not a flaky guy given to flights of fancy. He grew up a blue-collar kid from Buffalo, and he has done very well in several businesses.
Joe has been happily married for 27 years, father of two other children…a family man and a guy’s guy, who, at 61, still plays hockey with his pals. He would rather have stayed ignorant of the spiritual world, but he did not have that choice. Joe’s journey through this heart-breaking event left him with the certainty of belief that we grow spiritually, or we die! This is a book for all who have lost a loved one -- especially if prematurely -- and he hopes it brings you to the threshold of understanding and knowing that they are not gone.
Joe has been 33 years sober and a member of AA, a fact that has, in his words, helped him to get close to God and to carry him through the dark times after my son’s crossing. His journey has led him both to speak to teens with addiction and write the book. Joe has pondered the possibility that he may yet one day turn the tragedy of his son’s death into a new, third, career, one which may well be the most fulfilling of his life.
To learn more about Joe visit his website: https://mysearchforchristopher.home.blog/
My Search for Christopher