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A Very Exciting Month

Caroline Chang

This past month has been a whirlwind of activity; All Good! I had the honor of giving my first presentation at Unity of NEPA in Wilkes-Barre, PA on Sunday, August 18, 2019. I was so excited and blessed to share the message of the Truth of Universal Oneness with everyone present. The title of my presentation is “The Solution to All the World’s Problems”. I am so happy my talk was videotaped; that way I can share it with all of you. (Video of my talk is below.)

In my talk I share the Science of Oneness in understandable layman’s terms of how we are all connected and all One with each other and everything. Science has proven that everything is energy and that energy is interconnected and interdependent; it is all ONE.

The name I give this energy is Unconditional LOVE and I like keeping things very simple so everyone can understand. I very much enjoyed giving the talk and I was asked to come back and be a guest speaker again. I do feel Spirit is leading me in this direction, to give more talks and become a speaker now.

Also, I was invited to attend the IANDS Conference 2019 in King of Prussia, PA, August 29 - September 1, 2019. I was invited to come just a few weeks before the conference, therefore I was very happy it was driving distance from my home in the Poconos. I recorded my first show for Awake 2 Oneness Radio on-location with Rev. Bill McDonald at the Conference and have been asked to speak at next year’s IANDS Conference 2020 in Salt Lake City UT.

I attended a workshop there where we were instructed to write a reply letter from our love one in spirit; a reply to the letter we had just written to them. During that exercise I could feel Kyle taking my hand and automatic writing through me. The handwriting changed from my writing to his writing and his signature matches his signature from the many cards I have from him. My letter to him was a long two-page letter, however his reply was short and sweet. That is just like Kyle, he was not one for writing long letters; Kyle never fails to come through to me with any opportunity he gets.

Another wonderful thing about the IANDS Conference is that 90% of the people, speakers and attendees alike have had Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) or Spiritual Transformative Experiences (STE’s). They have personally experienced Oneness and Unconditional Love, that words do not do justice trying to describe. I was immersed and surrounded by unconditional Love and acceptance that just filled my heart and soul.

Then just a few days after returning from the IANDS Conference, I flew to Scottsdale, AZ for the Soul Summit, September 12 - September 16, 2019; another amazing conference. Many synchronistic encounters occurred while I was there, and I had the opportunity to bask in the very high energic light of the full moon Friday, September 13th while in the outdoor Jacuzzi at the Doubletree Hotel in Scottsdale. It was Heavenly!

I want to share my events of this past month with the listeners and followers of Awake 2 Oneness Radio; because we are entering into a very exciting time energetically for Mother Earth and Humanity as a whole. The remainder of 2019 going into 2020 is a very exciting time to be on the planet! The year 2020 is the “Year of Clear Vision”, how appropriate is that; 2020 Vision! I will share a video that explains this more in my next blog post.

Solution To All The World Problems - Unity of NEPA


© 2023 Caroline Chang, Awake 2 Oneness Radio

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