Awake 2 Oneness Radio with best-selling author James Arthur Ray on Friday, March 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM EDT. This program was pre-recorded. Click here to listen to the show. James is the author of six internationally best-selling books including his New York Times bestseller HARMONIC WEALTH: The Secret to Attracting the Life You Want; and a co-author and contributor to THE SECRET. I actually learned about James from watching Oprah's show on the Secret a few months ago; the show originally aired in 2007. I am very honored to have him as my guest and he shares with me and the listeners his personal journey from being on Oprah to his retreat in Arizona, October 2009. In this very heart-felt and emotional sharing that touches me deeply; I see that in Truth it's our inner state of being that matters most. Not the outer world of materialism, which is an illusion and a reflection of us. Our inner state of being is what ultimately creates our outer world experience. James has worked with over 1 million people from 145 countries through his audio, video, coaching, and life and business leadership programs. Over 1 million people have attended his live events worldwide. His new book THE BUSINESS OF REDEMPTION, The Price of Leadership in Life and Business is scheduled for release soon. James’s company hit the Inc. 500 in 2009 as one of the fastest growing most successful privately held companies in the United States, and possibly the world at that time. In 2007, he was awarded the distinguished Toastmasters award for Outstanding Communication and Leadership. His book Harmonic Wealth was voted as one of the top celebrity reads by People Magazine in 2008. Fortune Magazine wrote a full feature article on him in 2008 heralding him as the new frontrunner in leadership and performance. James has appeared numerous times on Larry King Live, Piers Morgan, The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN and Oprah. After rising to the pinnacle of his profession, he and his company were involved in a tragic accident at a retreat in 2009 and he lost everything. Since that time, he has applied the same strategies he taught his clients for decades to rebuild his own life and business and to come back strong. James’ life story is told in the CNN Documentary ENLIGHTEN US released on CNN in 2016 and now on Netflix. Because of his experience in building from humble beginnings, as well as rebuilding after hitting rock bottom post terrible crises, James has the unique experience and ability to help those at the top, those on the climb, and those who must put their life back together to get up and climb again. In his mission to positively impact a minimum of one billion lives and businesses worldwide, Ray continues relentlessly to bring his experience, resilience, adaptability, and wisdom to all those he’s blessed to serve and support. To learn more about James visit his website: https://www.jamesray.com/
James Arthur Ray