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Humanity's Awakening with Saryon Michael White

Caroline Chang

Awake 2 Oneness Radio with author, channel and intuitive consultant Saryon Michael White on Friday, October 26, 2018 at 7:00 PM ET. This show has been pre-recorded. Click here to listen to the show. Saryon recently published his first novel Roya Sands and the Bridge Between Worlds. This is a curious novel that speaks of the 21st Century in the past tense; an unsuspecting 16 year-old girl from upstate New York receives a mysterious calling. With the help of an intriguing new librarian, Roya Sands begins a journey that stretches her understanding of reality and brings her into direct contact with forbidden secrets and unseen mysteries that call her to remember her purpose. For more than 20 years, Saryon has been exploring out-of-body experiences and keeping his finger on the pulse of Humanity’s Awakening from an angel’s eye viewpoint. When he first began writing publicly in 2002 it was to deliver a series of messages from the Angels of Peace who inspired us globally to broadcast a single prayer or message to the world, CHOOSE PEACE NOW! At the time, the angels said that they were coming to protect an emerging grid of Global Peace Consciousness that began to strengthen after the 9/11 event. Broadcasting this message is a way of sending an angelic invitation to link up with this emerging Peace Grid that has continued to grow and evolve ever since. Saryon was further involved with helping to anchor these energies through a series of conferences for the proposed U.S. Department of Peace and in 2007 he traveled to Iran as a civilian diplomat with a friendship delegation organized by the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Of great interest to him are the fragile peace potentials in the Middle East and elsewhere that are steadily gaining momentum towards an effect of global transformation. Saryon's life is dedicated to nurturing these peace potentials to fruition. In 2005 a council of Ascended Masters appeared to Saryon in his meditation and asked him to start offering readings to people and they immediately began connecting him with people that felt drawn to receive the wisdom and energy that they have continually placed in his heart. He was honored to serve in this way and to help bring people closer to their guides and to realize more of their potential. After years of careful training and devotion to spiritual practice, the Masters commissioned a new and growing body of work through him as part of their SCHOOL OF MANIFESTATION on the inner planes. Along with a growing library of videos you can watch, his writings and courses are helping prepare the way for much that is on the way. Saryon remains passionate about demonstrating peace and unconditional giving in the world. The time has come to share, network, and build an audience for his books he has been writing and channeling. To learn more about Saryon please visit his website:

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