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Enlightened Parenting with Meryl Davids Landau

Caroline Chang

Awake 2 Oneness Radio with author Meryl Davids Landau live on Friday, May 12, 2017 at 7:00 PM EDT. Discussing Meryl's latest book Enlightened Parenting: A Mom Reflects on Living Spiritually With Kids. Click here to listen to the show Live. Meryl has been writing for more than 20 years, she have written engaging, informative, and entertaining articles for numerous national consumer publications and websites, especially on the topics of health, lifestyle, holistic health, parenting, family issues, general-interest issues, and even money and business. She is also a former magazine editor. Her work has won numerous awards, including a nomination for a prestigious National Magazine Award and a 1st-place outstanding-article award from the American Society of Journalists & Authors. Meryl's latest book is "Enlightened Parenting: A Mom Reflects on Living Spiritually With Kids". Her prior book, the novel Downward Dog, Upward Fog, was a finalist in fiction in the small-press book-of-the-year competition by Foreword Reviews magazine. Staying on a spiritual path was undoubtedly a whole lot easier before kids. However, Meryl realized when she became a mother—with no time to run off to yoga or meditation retreats or even to read spiritual books—parenting would have to become her prime spiritual practice. It turned out that was a blessing. As she details in the warm, embracing essays that make up this book, parenting is the perfect practice for staying on a spiritual path, because connecting to the love we feel for our child opens us up to the lofty energy of our highest self. In 55 essays ranging from shifts in your thinking to actions and activities to undertake. Meryl shares from her heart, her experience and spiritual teachers and authors. Whatever your religious leaning, you’ll find love, inspiration, compassion, and non-judgment—plus a touch of humor—in her words. To learn more visit her website:


© 2023 Caroline Chang, Awake 2 Oneness Radio

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