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Unwitting Mystic Mary Reed

Caroline Chang

Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Mary Reed live on Friday, July 15, 2016 at 7:00 PM EDT. Mary is the author of Unwitting Mystic: Evolution of The Message of Love. Click here to listen to the show. Mary was given sight into Divine realms without any understanding of, or interest in, religious teachings. In the book Unwitting Mystic: Evolution of The Message of Love, she shares the firsthand account of what happens when an ordinary person is given extraordinary wisdom that challenges, and eventually changes, everything in their world. Mary has for many years been a kind, good-natured, cheerful meditator who has had numerous involuntary visions and insights. She grew up without any interest in religion but with an innate knowing that humans had more ability to access greater wisdom than most seemed to realize. Mary is originally from the U.S. Southwest but spent most of my career in Washington, DC directing national clinical research studies and creating nonprofit partnership in America and Africa. Today she divide her time between the Thosamling Nunnery in India where she is usually immersed in silence; Cambodia where she works with Wide Open Wings (a small charity she co-founded); and traveling to share her story as a way to illuminate the common ground of Love and the precious Divinity in all of us. Her hobby is photography and she enjoys sharing stories of how she sees beauty through visual media; and she loves to dance. In the words of that wise spiritual teacher, The Little Prince, these are the matters of real consequence. To learn more about Mary visit her website:

Mary's Story:


© 2023 Caroline Chang, Awake 2 Oneness Radio

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