I have recently come to the realization that my solitude has been a GREAT blessing in my life.
I have been single for many years; even though I got married at the very young age of 17; I have been single most of my adult life.
I have not been in a relationship since 2002 and I am very happy, thankful, peaceful and content with my life in each and every perfect eternal NOW moment!
I realize that my Awakening to LOVE, Unity and Oneness may not have happened if I was in a relationship.
I love my "Me Time" spending as much time as I can in nature, by the lake, jet skiing, and taking hikes through the woods.
I love my "Me Time" meditating in the sauna and jacuzzi, and daily journaling, reading and listening to lectures on YouTube.
I KNOW that in my solitude I am never truly alone; I am surrounded and protected all the time by LOVE! So I must be Thankful for my solitude for my "Me Time", it has been the springboard to my Awakening to LOVE, my Awakening to TRUTH!
